In this brain-based episode, ST Rappaport, Brain Coach of LifePix University, shares how she transformed from a 5th grader with a reading disability to a successful entrepreneur who enjoys training other successful entrepreneurs.
You will discover:
– How to train your brain “off the field” and away from the office
– The true cost of “leaving your options open”
– Why your employees actions baffle you
Episode Transcript
Scott Ritzheimer
Hello, hello, and welcome. Welcome once again to the secrets of the high demand coach podcast. And I’m here with yet another high demand coach. And that is St. Rappaport. She’s a brain coach who works with high achieving entrepreneurs to unleash their potential via peak brain performance. This is fascinating stuff you’re in for a great episode SD, what she does, she assists entrepreneurs in rewiring their brain so that they can remove overwhelm, they can get more done in less time, and they can take their business to the next level, allowing them to be more productive, more efficient, and just more fulfilled. So as to we could go on and on about what you do for folks. But rather than hearing me go on and on, I’d love to just introduce you. And let’s start with your story. What were you doing before you got into coaching? And why did you ultimately decide to make the leap?
ST Rappaport
Yes, so I actually was always into the type of work that I’ve done. And it started back when I was in fifth grade, I struggled with reading. And at that time, after spending crazy amounts of money on tutors that weren’t really getting anywhere, and spending a lot of time out of class, which I really liked. But my parents not so much, they decided to do something else. And they brought in these brain coaches as people to help me improve my brain. Now what happened was, we didn’t do any of the reading things. We did more just working on the brain. And because of that, not only did my reading get better, but every urea in life got better academically, socially, my confidence went up. And I knew like this was more helpful, I’d want to learn more about it. And I’d want to do with people I didn’t realize with me my whole life. What happened was, I started getting training when I was like about 17. And it’s like a failure process, you do some training work with some people, right. And during that time, I also took a Tony Robbins course, course on rapid planning method on how to plan based and motivation instead of like your to do list. And I thought it was really interesting and really cool, but I couldn’t actually implement it. Because a lot of what he spoke about was doing things six months or a year ahead. And my brain, even though I was thought I was really productive, and I would get everything done right now. And I would never procrastinate. Because I so much needed to get everything done. Now, I was very much living in the moment and could not think six months a year ahead. So I really struggled to implement what he was doing. So at one point he wants after that I want to get a training to improve specifically one of the thinking skills that I help people improve was thinking self categorizations. And categorizations is not just about being able to make categories, but also being able to see the category label right to see the big picture. And it was after was then that I was able to like improve, do Tony Robbins course do the program and implement it properly. But it’s also starting to see myself it was at that point that I started to see myself that I could do this more with more people on a bigger scale, not just one on one, and be able to really expand it and and even more than that was at that time, there were only people doing it with children, elderly or like people with like special needs, things like that learning disabilities. But I was like, I had a bigger breakthrough as an adult, like high functioning like people need this at every single stage.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, yeah. And it’s a fascinating, fascinating point. And I just want to jump right, there’s a lot of the stuff that I’ve read or seen about you’re rewiring your brain or whatever kind of it kind of comes from a place of there’s a fundamental problem, right, not from a place of, there’s a high level of performance. And here’s a way to address that and make it even better. So and I think that turns a lot of people off to the gains that they could have in mental function. So I saw of your site, and you’ve even mentioned it here. There’s 28 cognitive functions, and we don’t necessarily have time to go through all 28. But first off, wow. You know, I think most people think what does your brain do? It thinks right, there 28 different ways. What would you say are the top two or three that most entrepreneurs struggle with?
ST Rappaport
Yes. So I think there’s one that entrepreneurs don’t like to hear. Because entrepreneurs like to take action. And it’s amazing, like I am all for action until you take action that was crazy man wasted crazy amount of money or crazy amount of time. And it was very prevented. It’s this difference between like taking a risk and like taking action because you didn’t think and you just had a problem and decided to like run take action. So this is the cognitive function of defining the problem before you like your employee comes to you have someone who comes and tells you like, hey, like we have this problem, right? Like, what that’s what entrepreneurship is like putting out fires, but instead of just like giving solutions and coming up with things right away, take a moment Need to get clear on what the actual problem is? And is there a deeper problem causing this problem? That’s the problem you want to solve?
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, that’s so true. I mean, you get into this mode, and every entrepreneur has been there, if they’re not there right now, just like, you know, problem, solution, problem, solution problem solution. And what happens is that doesn’t scale, right? Like the you get more and more problems, your ability to solve those problems doesn’t happen faster. And so one of the challenges that I see a lot of successful entrepreneurs, right, folks who have had a level of success and are now dealing with it, is they’re just on decision making overload. You know, and so there’s always how do i It’s like, when I’m stressed out of my mind to how do I make better decisions faster. And so defining the problem is a key piece, what what other functions come into play when in either kind of pushing off the overload, right, being able to manage it better, or being able to make better decisions quickly.
ST Rappaport
Yeah. So the cognitive function, very related to making decisions is actually being able to compare. Now the cognitive functions are very basic. They’re like, we all know how to do these things. But what happens is that on a basic level, we could do it once it becomes more complex, that becomes a lot more challenging. So if let’s say, for example, when you go to hire an employee, right, like you have two options, you’re comparing to your whole vetting process. And now you’re down to two options. Usually, what ends up happening is we say the qualities of each employee without actually comparing them on the same parameter. I like this one, because she has more experienced, but I like this one, because he works faster. But it’s not comparing on the same level. What you need to do before you make any decision is Get clear on what one or two factors are most important that might say you can’t have other things. But what is most important, and then compare based on those parameters? Once you have that decisions come like this. And you don’t regret them later, because you actually took the time to decide what you want.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. And that’s a great point, because it feels like especially in the world of entrepreneurialism, it’s different than maybe school or even some areas of academia because you’re constantly pioneering, right? Like there’s not this is the way that we do that it’s this is a brand new problem, a brand new set of variables. How do you help folks boil it down to those one or two things that really matter?
ST Rappaport
When making a decision? Hmm. Well, that would depend on the situation they use, comes with practice, it comes with self awareness, very big believer in that and awareness of your business and where you’re going. But it’s hard when you have a tough decision to make. And all of a sudden now to start getting into it, the best way to improve any of the cognitive functions is when they don’t matter. So if you know that you struggle with making decisions, and it happens often try to do it in like at home when you’re deciding what to eat. Or like when you’re doing the small business decision. Sure, right, this email subject line or this one, right, like, obviously makes a difference. But it’s not like earth shattering type of things. Based on that, the more you do that, and when it comes to complex things, your brain will already have those new neural connections, and it’ll be easier for you to make those decisions later on.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, yeah. Fascinating. So in this, this idea of practice, right, again, I think it’s another one of those areas that entrepreneurs don’t do a lot of it’s game time, all all the time, right? It’s like you’re making decisions in real time. There isn’t this sense of kind of stepping out of the game, stepping into the game, but you brought up a great point is you can use this function when you’re picking what to eat or what to wear. And so what are a couple of other ways that folks can practice? Away from the office right away from their business? How can they practice some of these, these cognitive functions?
ST Rappaport
So my favorite way to develop these cognitive functions is to A. do new and challenging things, because your brain actually has to work. But when you do it in a fun way, like you’re learning a new skill, or you’re doing playing a game you’ve never played before, then there’s a lot less pressure. But you can like more tangibly is whenever you finish doing something successful, had launched one successful, even like a meeting when successful with a new potential client or business partnership, whatever is happening, take a moment to ask yourself, what was the strategy that helped me succeed at this task? Then what you’re going to do is you’re going to give that strategy and it doesn’t just like say what you did identify it, but give it some sort of name, any name as long as you understand what it is, and keep our notes app on your phone running list of different strategies of success strategies that have helped you be successful. So next time you You’re in a challenging situation where you need to make a decision or you’re not sure what to do you have a list of strategies that you’ve created for yourself that you know you can use in this situation.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, yeah, that’s so good. Now, for the person out there who’s thinking, like, I don’t have time to get, you know, my normal stuff done. Now you want me to stop? You know, when something goes? Well, like, the last thing we’re gonna do is stop when something goes, well, the only time we’re gonna stop is when we’re like, literally forced to because we’re struggling with the decision. So what’s the what’s the win? Like? What, what’s the benefit? What’s the big selling point for taking this time to stop when we’ve had success? As opposed to just on to the next thing?
ST Rappaport
Yeah. So you want to be I like efficient and effective, like, I want things fast. And I want things to happen quickly. I know you do, too. But I know that in order for things to go in the fastest, most efficient, most effective way possible, I need to slow down now. So you’re stopping and thinking now. So that way later, you could zoom a whole lot faster, especially like if something went well, you’re in a good mood, things are going good. Like, it’s so much more of like, it’s it’s much easier to convince yourself and to get yourself to like, take a moment to go and do it. Some people find it easier to like put it if they’re a very routine type of person, like they have, they’re off to their morning routines or whatever to do it part of their morning routines. So that way they could like, just think back what happened yesterday that I was successful, and do it you have to really work do what works for you. But if you want to go fast later, you better take the time now.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. Okay, that’s great. And now I want to shift gears just slightly. And I know from your site that this is something you do as well, but it should tell me a little bit about how maybe differences in cognitive functions or shortcomings or deficiencies caused the the strain that so many founders and entrepreneurs have when they bring in other people to help work with them. So how’s that, you know, there’s, there’s, it’s, there’s this idea, you start bringing people in, you know, you need help. And one of the questions that I get asked most like, you know, a moment of sobriety, we don’t lead with this, but it’s, there’s what’s wrong with these people? Right? They don’t think the way that I do they don’t make decisions the way that I do. How is that showing up from a cognitive function standpoint?
ST Rappaport
Yeah, everything is boils down to the cognitive functions. Okay? So this, not only business, but also with your family, your kids and your friends. With 28 cognitive functions, naturally, we all have stronger ones, and weaker ones. And we all use our stronger ones. And that’s what we want to do, right? Like, we leverage our ones. And we create our ways of thinking and our learning styles, all that based on our cognitive function, all sudden, this new person comes in. And they have different cognitive functions, but they also have different strong cognitive functions. And for us, it’s really difficult for our brain all of a sudden now to start thinking in the way their brain is working. Hey, someone with really strong cognitive functions, has the ability to work in different ways, because their brain is not just stuck in the way that it’s always been, because all their cognitive functions are stronger, so it’s easier to go in. But for when you’re hiring someone, and you’re getting frustrated that this person can’t do the things the way they want to do, first of all, remember that it’s that their brain is working differently, that means they have some strengths that you don’t have. But more than that, what I would want you to do for yourself, right, where you would want to do is to identify what are the specific challenges that are coming over, and like coming up over and over again, because those are signs of weaker cognitive functions, and see what you could do that you could like create some sort of puzzle, or the way the system could be adjusted. So that way, it works with everybody’s brain.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, yeah, I love that because it goes after these two kind of equal but opposite responses. One is, I’m just gonna kind of blow through everybody until they’re as strong as me at everything. And it’s like, you know, shame on us. And the other one is kind of, again, equal but opposite of like, oh, that’s just them, you know, so be it I have to accept it. There’s this kind of apathy or even victimization that happens. I love what you’re talking about is like no actually go in and define what those differences are. And then start to look at Hey, on on your side of the equation, what what what are the weaknesses that you’re bringing to the table on their side? And how can we all build each other up? Is that Is that right?
ST Rappaport
Yeah. 100% I’m a very big believer in like, right we need to understand ourselves. We want to understand that people the more you understand that it boils down to cognitive functions, the less you get mad at people because the way people do things is not because they’re like most people aren’t trying to be mean Right? But they just don’t actually think about it something small like I don’t know like if someone like double parked and like blocked you, like most people aren’t doing it to be mean, at all. Like people think that because like that’s why they did it but it’s literally one of the cognitive function of considering another point of view. And they don’t realize that running it for five minutes, even though they’re gonna be out, it’s gonna be the exact minute that you’re going to come out and you’re going to struggle. So the same thing that happens business, your employees aren’t like, purposely not listening to you. He didn’t understand your instructions. They tried to do it, but they did it wrong, right, when you understand that they’re trying to do their best, and it’s just the way their brain is working, you could actually come up with solution that makes everybody happy.
Scott Ritzheimer
That’s brilliant. Excellent, excellent. All right. So here’s a question. I like to ask all of my guests. And it’s this. What’s the biggest secret that you wish wasn’t a secret at all? What you What’s that one thing that you wish everybody listening or watching right now knew?
ST Rappaport
I think that you need to commit. I mean, once you make that commitment, anything else is going to be possible. Things like getting clear, super. We like we have like to find the everybody knows to set goals and do things. But people start giving themselves options, right? Like, what happens if I don’t, or I’m not going to win, as soon as you make a commitment to that goal, and there is no other option, your brain is going to look for ways to make that happen. As soon as you start thinking, maybe you have a plan B, whatever, you’re going to fall back on their plan B.
Scott Ritzheimer
Wow. Yeah, yeah. There’s a lot to be said of that. But yes, you’re exactly right. And again, going back to kind of the entrepreneurial community, many times we kind of pride ourself on the ability to keep options open, right? On the ability like, hey, if this than this if this than this, and, and you’re right, you know, there is a flexibility to that, but you’re going to wear yourself out. Right, and a lot of that overwhelm is going to come I would assume from this exact thing.
ST Rappaport
Yeah, it’s interesting. They said that, because that happens to be one of the struggles that a lot of people come with, without realizing how much is how much it’s affecting their business, and so on so many levels.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, yeah, it’s so true. And it goes all the way down to one of the things that we’re looking at a lot with founders is, why did you start the thing in the first place, and if you look at survey after survey, it’s freedom and autonomy, right? And we perceive having options open in the future as freedom. And, and there is some truth to that. But there’s a lot of lie in it as well, if you can’t discern between the two. So such a great point, such a great point. Now, what I’m going to do, I’m going to shift gears once again, I think we’re in about fourth now. But I’m going to turn the thing around and say we take off your your coach, consultant advisor hat, right and jump in the ring with the rest of us put on your CEO hat and tell us a little bit about what the next stage of growth looks like for you, as a leader in your business.
ST Rappaport
With the next stage of growth looks like? Yes. So the next area of growth is hiring additional coaches to do the more of the foundations of what we do. We have like different types of programs, and creating more. Like we have the systems but creating them on a on a greater level, right. So let’s say for example, right now, this course is called your brain rewired, where we help you for 90 days, like all the basics of the cognitive functions, and that opens up like every month or so, but being able to open it up every week. And just scaling that more on a bigger level. So that way, people who want to take more advanced courses has more options, because they want us to go first on their base one. And in order for us to be able to open up more advanced ones. We need more people coming into our base.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. Excellent. Excellent. So I know there’s some folks that are listening today. And they’re like, this just explained so much, right? Like, like I get it. And they’re like, yes, what do I do next? So someone wants to know more about the work you do? Or how to get started on this journey to better brain function? What would you point them to?
ST Rappaport
I would say they start by taking the cognitive function assessment, right? You want to first be aware of where you are. And you could even give it to your employees, to your colleagues to whoever else is affecting and then you could have that conversation. When you have right out there. Literally, it takes probably 10 minutes, if not less, and you just mark down where you are with each one of the 28.
Scott Ritzheimer
Fantastic. And that’s I believe I saw it earlier is it Is that right?
ST Rappaport And if you go to forward slash CF, you’ll get directly to the cognitive function assessment.
Scott Ritzheimer
Excellent. That’s pics with an x. We’ll put it all in the show notes so you can grab it from there. St. Fantastic. Just so excited that we were able to have you on the show. So thankful for your wisdom and advice. So thanks for being here. And for everyone listening you’re you know your time and attention mean the world to us. So I hope you got as much out of this conversation as I know I did. And I cannot wait to see you next time. Take care.
Contact ST Rappaport
ST Rappaport is a brain coach who works with high-achieving entrepreneurs to unleash their potential via Peak Brain Performance. ST assists them to rewire their brain so they can remove overwhelm, get more done in less time and take their business to the next level. ST always wanted to be more productive and tried many courses and methods but could never fully implement them even though she tried really hard. This was because of the way her brain was wired. As she rewired her brain and saw how it affected every single aspect of her life, she knew more people needed this. It was time to help more people solve their core problems, stop feeling helpless and accomplish what they truly want to do.
Want to learn more about ST Rappaport’s work at Life Pix University? Check out her website at

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